Child Care Center of Evanston
The Child Care Center of Evanston (the Center) is a community-based organization whose mission is to strengthen families by providing high quality, affordable care and education for their children. Its highest priority is to help children from all socioeconomic backgrounds gain the skills they need to succeed in school while fostering the shared community values of cooperation and respect. The Center strongly supports Invest in US will promote Invest in US and the shared goal to generate new commitments for early learning, by promoting the national dialogue, and raising awareness.
Specifically, the Center will use its Face book page, website and twitter account to promote public awareness and support on behalf of early learning. The Center will support and raise awareness around the initiative’s days of action and encourage participation from parents and the Evanston early childhood community. We will continue our dialogue with our local and State officials and lawmakers to promote in importance of a high quality early learning experience for all children before entering Kindergarten.