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Kaplan Early Learning

$1.6 millon

Kaplan Early Learning Company (KELC) is excited to announce a commitment of $1.6 million over the next three years to the field of early care and education. KELC plans to invest over $120,000 towards the goal of reducing childhood obesity through a partnership with the Nemours Foundation in support of the National Early Care & Education Learning Collaborative Project. This project will reach thousands of children across the United States and focus on strengthening early education in nutrition and increasing physical activity in schools and child care centers. KELC will continue its financial support of $25,000 annually to the Nemours BrightStart! Initiative, a program designed to help struggling readers successfully transition to kindergarten and beyond. KELC will also donate more than $500,000 on behalf of nonprofit organizations such as, Child Care Aware of America, and the National Head Start Association to help support and advocate for the children and families these programs serve. Another $500,000 will be invested into a collaboration with Yale University to translate, adapt, and validate a comprehensive curriculum.