Parents as Teachers
In support of the Presidential initiative to improve early childhood education in the U.S., Parents as Teachers National Center is donating its highly acclaimed Supporting Care Providers through Personal Visits (SCPV) curriculum to 150 awardees of the Federal Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership grants. PAT’s commitment, valued at $45,000, includes both its Supporting Care Providers through Personal Visits curriculum and Supporting Infant/Toddler Care Providers supplement. The curriculum and supplement, which will be provided to the grantees upon request, blends PAT’s highly effective evidence-based home visiting strategies into an approach proven to enhance the quality of family and center-based child care. The curriculum has been evaluated for its effectiveness by Cornell University.
Commitment progress
Since announcing their commitment, Parents as Teachers has provided Supporting Care Providers Through Personal Visits curriculum to dozens of Early Head Start – Child Care Partnership grant recipients.